Sunday 30 June 2013

Toulouse - Nicky Romero

DIRECTOR- Timo Pierre Rositzi

The music video for Nicky Romero's Toulouse is a very different style of video compared to the other video me and Becky have focused on. The video is very dance based and has no lyrics which means the story line for the music video could be about anything.

The mask is a main costume in the video as it shows that whenever anybody wears the mask they become dancers.

The use of close ups are very important in this video as it shows the detail. Normally you would be able to see the characters expressions or looks, in this you can't because of the mask this gives a more creepy feel to the video and as you haven't seen the character dance yet the audience are left to wonder what could happen. when i first started watching the video i had the image of alcohol and violence in my head but as soon as they guy in the mask starts dancing it creates a whole different atmosphere to the video.

 We now see both of the characters wearing the mask and we now see that the mask has an obvious intention and meaning. having both men now in masks and dancing makes the audience understand a basic story line or get an idea of what is about to happen to anyone else that they pass in the street. As the video goes on we notice that anyone that is made to wear the mask starts to dance this makes any other normal people in the video confused as to why there are people randomly dancing.

As the video goes on we see that the mask is gradually passed on to more and more people until there ends up being a whole group of dancers who are dancing through the streets.

The end of this video shows that the hole act we have just seen is in thw guys day dream as he is waiting for the bus. We end up in the same scene that we started with the same character. The close up of his face towards the end allows the audience to see the confusion and shock on his face about what he thinks he has just seen. We then see a shot of the other man walking away confused. The shot of the guy in the mask shows the audience that what they have just seen was not a dream. It leaves the audience with a sense of confusion.

Watch Toulouse By Nicky Romero HERE!


  1. Not so much but the eerie feeling that came along with the theme of masks

  2. Omg this is what i c

    one guy and one guy make two.
    Two and two make four.
    Then the four of them find four more and make eight.... that's it....i got nothing left other than this is how your best friend asks you to party
    But Math??what's wrong with me?

  3. Do you think this might be a statement about conformity amidst rebellion (Guy Fawks/Anonymous)?

  4. Personally, I think you are missing the main point of the video, especially what the mask actually represents. I don't think the mask is there to represent dancers, or something of that ilk, rather to represent the development of antiestablishmentarianism. It shows how at first, this rebellion, effectively demonstrated by the Guy Fawkes mask, is portrayed as freakishly abnormal, but how it manages to spread infectiously once one has been captivated by it. Numerous times throughout the video we see how it appears to be scary, upon being confronted by this group of individuals, but how eventually it does take you over and you become part of it. Finally, at the end of the video, the audience is shown how, despite suddenly perceiving it as an illusion, it is not.
