Wednesday 26 June 2013

La La La - Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith

The Music video of this song is shot in Bolivia. The video reminds me of the story of wizard of oz, which is what The director was inspired by, showing the journey of discover. The main Boy in the video. (Narrative Music Video)
The characters in the video illustrates the theme of the song by covering their ears and singing "la la la" when faced with verbal abuse. 
Main Characters In The Video...
  • Main Boy (Young Child)
  • Dog
  • Cement Man
  • Wool Covered Traffic Cop
Director- Ian Pons Jewell
'Naughty Boy' Mentions in a interview that the video is "My imagination coming to life"  

The fact that the video doesn't particular relate to the song shows that the director is breaking a stereotype of what a music video should look like. Through out the video we come across characters that the boy meets. This helps the audience understand the story line. Although the characters don't directly relate to the lyrics. When you watch the video it makes more sense.

Camera Shots

Establishing Shots- Towards the end of the video there are various establishing shots of the Salt Flats
Medium Close Ups- The are medium close ups on all of the characters in the scene especially when the you boy has his fingers in his ears singing 'La la la'
Dolly/Track Shot- 2 Main shots when the boy is running out of the flat and one where the 3 characters and the dog are walking across the desert 

Main Boy- the main child wears fairly normal everyday clothes: Jean, Top, Denim Jacket. His main part of his costume seems to be his hat as it is stripy and colourful which makes him stand out from the rest of the characters. 
Cement Man- The cement man is made up of mainly Very grey and cement looking make up to create his character. He also wears a hat and all of his costume is very dark grey.
Wool Man- The costume of this character is the most visible in the video. He wears a Scarecrow like costume which is grey and made out of wool. He is costumed in a more fantasy sort of way than the other characters. His costume is a key part as it clearly shows this this character that the boy is with is from his imagination and helps him block everything out.

Watch La La La By Naughty Boy HERE!

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