Wednesday 26 June 2013

Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke

All of the costumes in Blurred Lines music video and all black and white apart from one of the artists who is wearing a metallic gold coloured suit. This could show class or importance in the video. 

The studio that the video is filmed in is very basic the white walls and white floor could be a cheap location/set for me and Becky to use in our music video.

The hash tagging that appears on the screen several times is very bold and red and appears in the foreground of the video. 

The main colours in the video are white, black, red and gold. The red is used in props such as the car, bike, lighter, dots on the glove and dice and the female models also wear red lipstick.

The video itself is very performance based as there is no narrative story when watching the video.

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