Sunday 30 June 2013

Hot N Cold - Katy Perry

The video its self is a performance video having Katy Perry singing involving dancers and other extras to make the video appeal to more people but also to make the video excitable to watch. Katy Perry also follows the typical ideology of love as we watch her fall in and out of love and express her feelings of what she is feeling at that moment in time. Therefore She is following the typical conventions of a performance music video and doesn't break them which would appeal to the type of audience (Teenagers) that me and Becky has chosen. Watch Hot N Cold By Katy Perry HERE!

The editing of the video matches the tempo of the music and maintains quite a fast speed throughout the song as the locations and scene also change quite frequently. The dance routine that the group of girls dressed as brides perform fits with the pace of the music and emphasises the beat and tempo of the song.

The video is very narrative based, there is a speech before and after the music begins - Typical of pop genre. 

The video is also Slightly performance based as one section in the video shows her performing on stage with a band to a crowd of people.

There are simple camerawork of long shots, mid shots, close ups and over the shoulder shots. These simple camera angles link in on the idea of having a simple narrative. 

One of the most noticeable elements of this video is that the song is about him changing and one of the line is 'you change your mind, like a girl changes clothes', and throughout the video Katy Perry is changing her clothes which is symbolising him changing and that line. 

The Other Side - Jason Derulo

The video sees Derulo performing an energetic dance routine in a song that explores the situation where two friends decide they want more from a platonic relationship. Jason says the song was written with his girlfriend 'Jordin Sparks' in mind as the pair themselves were friends before they became lovers.

Derulo said -  "It initially started off as a party song. The feeling of the song is very up-tempo, it's very fun, uplifting - but I didn't want to talk about a party. I wanted to talk about something that was I was going through in my life, something that was personal."
The video mainly takes place in the 'club like' area where Jason derulo himself is dancing along with a variety of other dancers also joining in on the choreography.

Toulouse - Nicky Romero

DIRECTOR- Timo Pierre Rositzi

The music video for Nicky Romero's Toulouse is a very different style of video compared to the other video me and Becky have focused on. The video is very dance based and has no lyrics which means the story line for the music video could be about anything.

The mask is a main costume in the video as it shows that whenever anybody wears the mask they become dancers.

The use of close ups are very important in this video as it shows the detail. Normally you would be able to see the characters expressions or looks, in this you can't because of the mask this gives a more creepy feel to the video and as you haven't seen the character dance yet the audience are left to wonder what could happen. when i first started watching the video i had the image of alcohol and violence in my head but as soon as they guy in the mask starts dancing it creates a whole different atmosphere to the video.

 We now see both of the characters wearing the mask and we now see that the mask has an obvious intention and meaning. having both men now in masks and dancing makes the audience understand a basic story line or get an idea of what is about to happen to anyone else that they pass in the street. As the video goes on we notice that anyone that is made to wear the mask starts to dance this makes any other normal people in the video confused as to why there are people randomly dancing.

As the video goes on we see that the mask is gradually passed on to more and more people until there ends up being a whole group of dancers who are dancing through the streets.

The end of this video shows that the hole act we have just seen is in thw guys day dream as he is waiting for the bus. We end up in the same scene that we started with the same character. The close up of his face towards the end allows the audience to see the confusion and shock on his face about what he thinks he has just seen. We then see a shot of the other man walking away confused. The shot of the guy in the mask shows the audience that what they have just seen was not a dream. It leaves the audience with a sense of confusion.

Watch Toulouse By Nicky Romero HERE!

Thursday 27 June 2013

Pop Music Video Directors

Jake Nava -
Adele 'Someone Like You'

Natasha Pincus -
Gotye 'Somebody that i used to know'

David Fincher -
Justin Timberlake 'Suit and tie'

Steve Barron -
Michael Jackson 'Beat It'

Music Video Director - Jake Nava

Jake Nava is an english music video, advertising and feature film director. Most of his video are all filmed in black and white.
Some Of His Music Videos
  • Adele 'Someone like you'
  • Beyonce 'Single ladies'
  • Pixie Lott ' Cry me out'

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke

All of the costumes in Blurred Lines music video and all black and white apart from one of the artists who is wearing a metallic gold coloured suit. This could show class or importance in the video. 

The studio that the video is filmed in is very basic the white walls and white floor could be a cheap location/set for me and Becky to use in our music video.

The hash tagging that appears on the screen several times is very bold and red and appears in the foreground of the video. 

The main colours in the video are white, black, red and gold. The red is used in props such as the car, bike, lighter, dots on the glove and dice and the female models also wear red lipstick.

The video itself is very performance based as there is no narrative story when watching the video.

Narrative Video Conventions

  • The music in a narrative video correlates to the action in the piece
  • Normal Everyday Activities
  • Lyrics link briefly to the action
  • There are a range of camera angles in all the videos
  • There's a use of different times of day (morning, evening etc.)

La La La - Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith

The Music video of this song is shot in Bolivia. The video reminds me of the story of wizard of oz, which is what The director was inspired by, showing the journey of discover. The main Boy in the video. (Narrative Music Video)
The characters in the video illustrates the theme of the song by covering their ears and singing "la la la" when faced with verbal abuse. 
Main Characters In The Video...
  • Main Boy (Young Child)
  • Dog
  • Cement Man
  • Wool Covered Traffic Cop
Director- Ian Pons Jewell
'Naughty Boy' Mentions in a interview that the video is "My imagination coming to life"  

The fact that the video doesn't particular relate to the song shows that the director is breaking a stereotype of what a music video should look like. Through out the video we come across characters that the boy meets. This helps the audience understand the story line. Although the characters don't directly relate to the lyrics. When you watch the video it makes more sense.

Camera Shots

Establishing Shots- Towards the end of the video there are various establishing shots of the Salt Flats
Medium Close Ups- The are medium close ups on all of the characters in the scene especially when the you boy has his fingers in his ears singing 'La la la'
Dolly/Track Shot- 2 Main shots when the boy is running out of the flat and one where the 3 characters and the dog are walking across the desert 

Main Boy- the main child wears fairly normal everyday clothes: Jean, Top, Denim Jacket. His main part of his costume seems to be his hat as it is stripy and colourful which makes him stand out from the rest of the characters. 
Cement Man- The cement man is made up of mainly Very grey and cement looking make up to create his character. He also wears a hat and all of his costume is very dark grey.
Wool Man- The costume of this character is the most visible in the video. He wears a Scarecrow like costume which is grey and made out of wool. He is costumed in a more fantasy sort of way than the other characters. His costume is a key part as it clearly shows this this character that the boy is with is from his imagination and helps him block everything out.

Watch La La La By Naughty Boy HERE!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Hair And Make Up 'Now' And 'Then'

Hair and Make Up NOW

In these Current days hair and makeup are used in music videos to communicate the artists feelings, views and express a message. Hair and make up plays a major role in a pop music video. The makeup is very bold and extravagant and tends to be very colourful which makes the artist stand out against any other dancers or actors in the video shoot.

Hair and Make Up 10 YEARS AGO

Ten years ago hair and make up wasn't extreme and seen as a necessity compared to nowadays. Make Up was natural and complimenting. Hairdos were simple yet stylish to that specific time period.

Camera And Editing

Camera Work
  • Close Ups - Shows artists emotions towards song/video, Mouth reflection of lyrics being sung
  • Pan / track - follows the movement of the artist and band (keeps the attention on them)
Editing Work
  • Jump Cuts - helps transitions from one location to the next (very common in music videos)
  • Pace - Up beat / Pop songs tend to have a faster pace of editing 

Key Conventions

Pop Music Video Conventions 
  • Bright, colourful and vibrant colours - makes the video eye-catching
  • Very Up Beat - Energetic and Interesting 
  • Dancing (Action Shots) - dance routines to copy
  • Groups of people - Popularity or artist/band
  • Music that makes people happy - makes people want to get up and dance

Thursday 20 June 2013

What Is A Music Video?

A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Lighting In A Pop Music Video

the lighting in a pop music video can be used to emphasise a certain mood. For example in Pixie Lotts's 'Cry Me Out' There is low key lighting being used which emphasises the black and white shots and shows the emotion of the song. Whereas in contrast to this in more up-beat videos flashing lights are used or even coloured lights which are used in videos such as LMFAO's 'Sexy And I Know It' The Ligthing In videos help emphasise the artist and ensures they are the centre of attention in the video.

Music Video Genres

Genres Of Music
The is a huge variety of different genres of music relating from genres such as Pop (Rihanna), Hip Hop (Lil Wayne), Rock (Linkin Park) and Classical. All of these Genres show a specific stereotypical image in their music videos for example the strereotypical image of a hip hop video would be people dancing, wearing and showing bright colours, and quite upbeat music, Wheras a rock video would show Very Loud Music and showing a dark atmosphere by the use of custumes and set etc.

Our Decision
Me and Becky have decided to create our music video focusing on the genre of pop, we watched various pop music videos for example Michael Jackson's 'Black or White', Irene Cara's 'Fame', Bill Medley's 'I've had the time of my life' which are all faily older music so we watched so more modern music for example Kelly Clarkson's 'Dark Side' and JLS's 'Beat It'.

History (80's Pop Music)

80s Pop Music
The general conventions of 80's Pop music include things such as bright colours, bold designs and big hair. Nearly all of the 80's music are disco style have a steady beat which make them songs that can lighten moods and are easy to dance to. The costumes in the videos are a key part of of the songs as they show time period and show the culutre of what people were like in the 80's for example the big hair, bright colours.

Michael Jackson

The 1980s saw the reinvention of Michael Jackson, the superstardom of Prince and the emergence of Madonna, Whitney Houston, & Janet Jackson - who were all arguably the most successful musicians during this time.

Tainted Love
Karma Chameleon
Heaven is a place on earth
I've had the time of my life (Dirty Dancing)